Our Program
How We Walk Alongside Women

Since 1999, Changed Choices has served the community through evidence based programming and mentoring relationships at Mecklemburg County Detention Center.

Clients are selected through admissions process. Clients receive comprehensive case management, mentor relationships and reentry programs.

Comprehensive case management continues for clients post release includes counseling, stable housing readiness and job search assistance.
Changed Choices reaches out to women in the Mecklenburg County Detention Center through classes, mentors, professional counseling. With both secular and non-secular pieces, Changed Choices focuses on helping participants develop skills to rebuild their life while incarcerated and after they have served their time.
To be considered for the Changed Choices program, women must have at least two years left on their sentence, returning to the Charlotte area when they are released and enter an application process. We are looking for women who are willing to work harder than we will, those who are interested in a lasting lifelong impact.
Those who become Changed Choices clients, benefit from the program which has two key components.

Changed Choices Program Pre-Release
Changed Choices provides incarcerated women with a holistic curriculum, individualized support and Christian education to prepare them to lead thriving lives when they are released.
Curriculum modules:
Foundations of the Christian Faith
Identity in Christ
Spiritual Disciplines
Soul Care
Healthy Relationships
Coaches also guide each woman in developing and implementing a personalized vision plan with individualized goals and strategies for spiritual, mental, emotional and physical growth. Contact with incarcerated women is through US mail, email, phone and now, text!
Changed Choices Program Re-Entry
Changed Choices serves Re-Entry clients individually with wrap-around services as they reenter society, including:
Vocational preparation and placement
Peer mentoring and church mentoring
Professional counseling
Basic needs
Guidance and support
Coaches continue to provide Vision Planning and local resource referrals. Changed Choices also offers the opportunity to live in the transition house, the Ruth Snyder transition Home.